Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year's Resolutions...aka Hopes for the New Year

I don't really do New Year's Resolutions and as it is the 12th of January and I'm just now officially writing these down maybe I should just call these my hopes for the New Year or a to do list.

1. be healthy in 2011- vitamins, exercise, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle
2. run a 5K, finally
3. indulge in the the things I enjoy- reading, painting, writing, traveling, friends
4. continue our book club, which I love
5. pare down- get rid of excess stuff and keep the necessities
6. get organized and stay organized
7. stick to the budget that I write, but don't usually follow

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Loving Lonnymag

There were so many good rooms and ideas in the new Lonnymag issue.  I have been inspired. 

From great tablescapes to beautiful dining rooms and a closet that is so organized and beautiful that I want. 

Maybe in this new year I will be updating accessories and colors.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Lovely new art for my bedroom

I got this beautiful print for Christmas from my parents and I love it.  It will have a spot on my bedroom wall as soon as I get it framed.  You can find one like it along with some other amazing pieces at tastesorangey on etsy.

Nightly routine? Books and hot tea

My nights in this cold winter have come to be the same... put on the most comfy pj's (recently that's been my Christmas pj's from Steve), boil water in the kettle, pour a deliciously large cup of Earl Gray and read the book du jour. It's just become a comforting routine that I have indulged for weeks now.  It's amazing how it only took a few days for this to become my evening norm.

my favorite tea

The book that I've just finished is Jonathan Franzen's new novel Freedom.  It's a hefty read at over 500 pages.  I had the same feelings about this book as I did about his novel The Corrections.  I couldn't put the book down, but I found it extremely depressing.  The Berglunds are a really broken family that from the outside seemed to have it all until Franzen takes us into the depth of the mess.  Ultimately there was redemption and healing, but it was a long time coming.