Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's only Tuesday

Ican't believe it is only Tuesday. It feels like it has already been a long week. Lately, it seems as though I am only living for the weekends and so I count down the days. I guess that has something to do with the fact that I am looking forward to returning to Chattanooga and once again living in this lovely city.

I know that I have mentioned that I love Domino magazine. They had an article in this month's magazine about how the wealthy stay organized and throw parties on a moment's notice. One of the suggestions was to have a "home bible" where you have all of the information about your home i.e. the a/c filter changing schedule, who does your lawn, the number for the plumber, etc. I would also think you should add in your paint colors in your house and your fabric choices, fav foods and where you get it... I could go on. I thought that this is a fab idea. I love it! So, I have started my home notebook. To be honest, I already had the beginnings of this notebook already and now am just spurred on to finish getting it together. I love little organizational things that are fun.

1 comment:

Joc said...

Howdy Liz. Nice to see you in blogland! I've got a file folder of info about our house...I keep wanting to convert it to a notebook, but alas, where is the time??